Sunday, July 5, 2015

Super Soul Sunday - Be Selfish

Super Soul Sunday Family!

Today, I want you to think about this quote, “Put yourself first and do the things that make you happy.”

Remember, You have to be selfish and be okay with being selfish. To do what you love to do, to be bodacious and lead as you dream of leading. To be selfish is to speak up, be heard and be seen. 

Selfish is important for women to learn because it is good for them, their health, their ability to lead and grow their wealth. So today,

                              Be Selfish

Satisfy. Satisfy your desire to be more and reach for more. It is good for you. It is good for us.

Evolve.  Be forward thinking about your life and your career. Expand, search for bigger, even scarier, opportunities. Evolve: it is what selfish, happy people do. 

Love. Love yourself fully, completely and with abandon. Fall in love with yourself every day. 

Face the fears.  Eliminate the fears of others. Be a fearless female warrior. Fight for you. Fight for you place, fight for your opportunities, fight for you undeniable right to be a fabulous female. 

Independence is yours. You are independent of your family, friends, coworkers, and lovers. What you think of yourself, what you want to for yourself, what you need for yourself is all YOUR decision.  You are liberated. 

Serve. Serve with honor. Serve others, give to others, and share with others without ever dishonoring yourself.  Never give so much that you sacrifice yourself. You deserve to honor yourself always. 

Hero. Be the heroine in your life. Be the women who overcomes the odds, the superhero. Be the one that masters her world, her life, her influence. 

Be Selfish.  

 So for this SUPER SOUL SUNDAY - 
  1. Be confident about your value, your presence, and your influence
  2. Own your message and your power.
  3. Have the ability to deal with difficult people
  4. Know you have influence and know how to use it.
  5. Become skilled at changing your perspective so when you start to go down the self-sabotage path, you know how to get off quickly.
  6. Be motivated to ask more, request more and expect more of others.
  7. Be feisty, fearless, focused, fabulous, free, and fun.
Happy Super Soul Sunday!

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